We teach the tools & strategies of the military and elite special operations community to civilians, businesses, and high-net-worth families.
Fitness Programs
Learn from a World Class Competitor (Green Beret, Ranger, Combat Diver)
Thousands of Students Currently Enrolled in One of Our Courses
“Train Up”
Arrive Prepared for Military / Special Operations Training
Special Operations Mindset
Develop the Champion Mindset of the Military Elite
(for Civilians & Military)
Elite Performance Skills
200+Tools for your Personal & Professional Repertoire
Small Business Security
Comprehensive Small Business Security Training
Cyber Security
Protect Yourself Online
Cyber Security for Seniors
Navigate the Internet with Confidence
Military Leadership
Learn the Tools and Strategies of the Military Elite
(for Civilians & Military)
Military Planning
Plan Like Your Life Depends on It?
(for Civilians & Military)

Marcell - Hungarian Air Force
I just wanted to thank you for motivating me to push myself physically & mentally. Thank you!

Canaan – National Guard
I’ve been watching the videos on YouTube for a little over a year now. Keep everything you’re doing up. You’ve taught me so much. Thank you.

David - Father
You objectively make a positive impact on the world around you with this “little” internet endeavor of yours. The ability you have to communicate information is singular and a no bull$h!t “force multiplier” for the human species in general.

Joshua - Arizona
I increased my pushups by 40, my pull ups by 8, and I lost 20 pound of body fat in 12 weeks. “Special Operations Fitness” is a game changer. Thank you.

Keith - Philippines
I continue to work through the scheduled program religiously. My strength has increased as has my flexibility. Another unexpected thing that has changed for the better is my balance – better core strength? This sounds trivial but was a concern for me as I approach my late 50s. I don’t think my weight has changed tremendously but the distribution has. I was also surprised to see my running pace getting faster even though there are not a large number of running workouts in the program.

Allan - Retired Fireman
I would like to thank you for making professional & informative videos. I am a retired Fire Captain and your videos on leadership are so point on for anyone in a leadership role. Keep up the good work. You are the master of common sense.

Raymone - Texas
You, Sir, are an inspiration to a great many people. Excellent content. Thank you for your encouragement. How true it is… “Life” is indeed a “Special Operation.” Take care.

Might – Mauritius
I’m a Law Enforcement Officer nowadays working on a 24hrs shift. I appreciate a lot of your vids and your books. They are such an inspiration to me. I did change a lot in my life with the ideas in the Elite Performance Skills. Thank you a lot and keep up the good work. I’m a great fan of yours.

Ben - Navy Brat
I just wanted to say you’ve been a constant source of positive motivation for me. Thank you for your service and continued impact.

B.M. – Retired Green Beret
I’m working myself back into shape after a lapse in judgment and got your two books on Performance Skills and Fitness. Great books, great information, and great lessons throughout. Thanks for providing a lifetime’s worth of input for such a small price! Best of luck with all your endeavors!
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