Which Special Operations Force (SOF) is the Best?

I get a lot of questions about which Special Operations Force (SOF) is the best? Which SOF should I join? The answer is complicated…… so let’s address this question through a quick analysis of jobs versus tools, mission sets & expertise, and redundancy.

Are you trying to prepare for a career in Special Operations… or do you just want to get into amazing shape?

Learn more about my “Special Operations Fitness” program.


Special Operations Fitness by Life is a Special Operation.com
Special Operations Fitness by Life is a Special Operation.com


Special Operations Fitness $10.00


Special Operations Fitness is a 12 week unconventional training program designed by a Harvard educated Strategist and Special Forces (Green Beret) Lieutenant Colonel to shred body fat, increase cardio vascular efficiency and muscular strength, teach or reinforce essential self-defense techniques, build confidence, and increase physical and mental performance.

Special Operations Fitness includes:

  • Philosophical principles of Elite Fitness
  • The 12-week Special Operations Fitness program
  • A progress tracking check list
  • Detailed descriptions for 12 weeks of dumbbell and body-weight boot-camp style workouts, 6 exhausting self-defense kick-boxing workouts, 2 lung crushing swim workouts, 2 unique biking workouts, 2 flexible cross training workouts, and 6 hikes