Special Operations Fitness
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10 Must-Know Tips to be more Successful at Ruck Marching
As a retired Ranger qualified – Special Forces soldier, I’ve walked countless miles and done countless ruck marches for military necessity, to evaluate my strength and endurance, and to build strength and endurance. Let me give you some recommendations based upon what I’ve learned over the years – so that you can become a better […]

What’s Harder – Ranger School or the Special Forces Qualification Course?
Having a Ranger Tab and the Special Forces Tab, I get asked all the time which school was harder. The answer is complicated. Both schools are physically and mentally challenging, but in different ways. I generally say that Ranger school sucks more – but the Q course is harder. Watch the below video to learn […]

The Special Operations Fitness Test
The Special Operations Fitness Test is made in honor of the quiet professionals and elite members of the Special Operations community who train like professional athletes and who put their lives on the line as they engage and defeat the enemies of freedom all over the world by land, sea & air. The Special […]