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Special Reconnaissance Airmen Explained – What is an SR?
Special Operations Weather Technicians (SOWT) have been redesignated and remissioned as “Special Reconnaissance Airmen.” I just finished a new video about them, their units, training, and missions. Special Reconnaissance Airmen deploy into remote areas and locations around the world to provide the tactical intelligence and information their teams need to successfully complete their mission. Here […]

Which Special Operations Force (SOF) is the Best?
I get a lot of questions about which Special Operations Force (SOF) is the best? Which SOF should I join? The answer is complicated…… so let’s address this question through a quick analysis of jobs versus tools, mission sets & expertise, and redundancy. Are you trying to prepare for a career in Special Operations… or […]

Navy SEALs Explained – What is a Sea Air Land?
Navy SEALs are known around the world for having the most physically demanding training requirements in the SOF Community. I had the honor of working with SEALs in 6 different countries over the course of my career. They are fit, they are intense, they are aggressive. They live and die by their motto…. “The only […]

75th Ranger Regiment Explained – What is a Ranger?
What makes Ranger Regiment so special is that every Soldier in it is specially selected and screened, ranger qualified, and remarkably intense. If they don’t like your attitude or performance, they send you packing. This ensures that only the best and most intense Soldier remain. This video is a part of the “What […]

Combat Rescue Officers Explained – What is an Air Force CRO?
In a gross over simplification, Combat Rescue Officers are the Officer version of the Pararescuemen or PJ… but with the added responsibility of planning and leadership. This video is a part of the “What is” / “Explainer” playlist for Special Operations units. I have highlighted essential pieces of Unclassified information about the most […]

Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewman Explained – What is a SWCC?
Imagine launching a boat out of an airplane with Navy SEALs and SWCC jumping right out after it. Once you hit the water, you swim to the boat, get it ready, and then execute your maritime mission anywhere in the world — at any time. This video is a part of the “What […]

Special Operations Combat Controllers Explained – What is a CCT?
CCTs are the only SOF career field which bring the Air Traffic Control (ATC) capability. Their motto is “First There.” This video is a part of the “What is” / “Explainer” playlist for Special Operations units. I plan to highlight essential pieces of Unclassified information about the most important Units within the Special Operations community. […]

Special Forces (Green Beret) Explained – What is SF?
My worse day in Special Forces was better than my best day in the Conventional Army. SF has the best training, the best equipment, the best support, the best soldiers, the best leaders, and the best missions. Looking back, I certainly would have done a few things differently. But all in all… I know I […]

US Air Force Pararescue Men Explained – What is a PJ?
PJs are the only DoD elite combat force specifically organized, trained, equipped, and postured to conduct full spectrum Personnel Recovery (PR) to include both conventional and unconventional combat rescue operations. This video is a part of the “What is” / “Explainer” playlist for Special Operations units. I plan to highlight essential pieces of […]

PSYOP Explained – What are Psychological Operations / Military Information Support Operations?
PSYOP Soldiers conduct a broad range of political, military, economic and ideological activities by developing, producing, and disseminating truthful information to foreign audiences in support of tactical thru strategic national security objectives. This video is a part of the “What is” / “Explainer” playlist for Special Operations units. I plan to highlight essential pieces of […]

MARSOC Raider – What is Marine Special Operations Command?
Raiders are the Special Operators within Marine Raider Regiment of MARSOC, the Marine Special Operations Command, which is the Marine Component of USSOCOM. Raiders are some of the most disciplined and well trained operators in the world… This video is a part of the “What is” / “Explainer” playlist for Special Operations units. […]