How Many Pull-Ups are Required for Special Operations

I’ve always been a fan of pull ups. They are a great exercise for building your back and biceps. But more importantly, a pull-up is a functional exercise that helps you get better at climbing obstacles scaling walls, or getting onto a roof or the high ground. Some military obstacle courses even require jumping over high concrete walls between lanes of a shooting range in full kit. This requires agility and strength… both of which are improved by being good at doing pull-ups.

In the below video we are going to discuss how may pull ups you need to be able to do to be successful in Special Operations. We will do this by talking about my experience and strength at different phases of my Special Forces career.  We will also discuss fitness tests and standards for all of the branches. And then we will finish off with my recommendations.

Created by a retired U.S. Army Special Forces (Green Beret) Lieutenant Colonel, “90-Day Pull-Up Hero” is deliberately designed to take you from being a Pull-Up “Zero” to a Pull-Up “Hero” in just 90 days.

The “90-Day Pull-Up Hero” program will significantly improve your Pull-Up capabilities. It doesn’t just focus on helping you to get your chin over the bar … it builds comprehensive strength and functional fitness. This program targets the muscles needed for climbing obstacle courses, jumping over walls, and even scaling rooftops. By improving your climbing and grip strength, you’ll gain practical skills that could one day save your life. You’ll build the strength, endurance, and confidence needed to conquer Pull-Ups and more.


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