How Hard is the Special Forces Combat Diver Qualification Course – SCUBA School?
The Special Operations Combat Diver Qualification Course (CDQC), also known as Dive School or SCUBA School, is one of the hardest and most respected schools in the global Special Operations community.
Let’s take a quick look at the CDQC using 7 criteria:
- Duration
- Phasing
- Physical Training
- Harassment
- Sleep
- Food
- Performance Measures
If you are trying to prepare for the Special Forces Combat Diver Qualification Course then you must do PT with your local Dive Team.
But for the rest of you… those of you who are looking for a fitness program to get you into amazing shape… I recommend “Special Operations Fitness.”

Special Operations Fitness $10.00
Special Operations Fitness is a 12 week unconventional training program designed by a Harvard educated Strategist and Special Forces (Green Beret) Lieutenant Colonel to shred body fat, increase cardio vascular efficiency and muscular strength, teach or reinforce essential self-defense techniques, build confidence, and increase physical and mental performance.
Special Operations Fitness includes:
- Philosophical principles of Elite Fitness
- The 12-week Special Operations Fitness program
- A progress tracking check list
- Detailed descriptions for 12 weeks of dumbbell and body-weight boot-camp style workouts, 6 exhausting self-defense kick-boxing workouts, 2 lung crushing swim workouts, 2 unique biking workouts, 2 flexible cross training workouts, and 6 hikes