Special Operations Fitness Self Defense Techniques Demonstration
This is a demonstration of the punching and kicking variations used during the Self-Defense workouts.
Special Operations Fitness is a 12 week unconventional training program designed by a Harvard educated Strategist and Special Forces (Green Beret) Lieutenant Colonel to shred body fat, increase cardio vascular efficiency and muscular strength, teach or reinforce essential self-defense techniques, build confidence, and increase physical and mental performance.
Special Operations Fitness includes:
- Philosophical principles of Elite Fitness
- The 12-week Special Operations Fitness program
- A progress tracking check list
- Detailed descriptions for 12 weeks of dumbbell and body-weight boot-camp style workouts, 6 exhausting self-defense kick-boxing workouts, 2 lung crushing swim workouts, 2 unique biking workouts, 2 flexible cross training workouts, and 6 hikes
The Special Operations Fitness program prescribes 10 Self-Defense Kick-Boxing workout sessions. During these workouts you will do Jabs, Punches, Hooks and Upper cuts, Front Kicks, and Round kicks. These are the basics. Mastering the basics is essential before you move on to anything fancier.
If you are a beginner, you should use a basic kick boxing stance, with your feet shoulder width apart, your center of body slightly lowered, your hands up to protect your face and your elbows in. You should be light on your feet and able to explosively move in any direction.
The Jab comes from your lead hand. Jabs are quick strikes to your opponent. They explode from your shoulder, but the power comes from your core muscles and your feet. Jabs never linger. They strike and instantaneously return. They do not drive through the target or push. They are flashes in and out. Jabs can be to the face or to the stomach.
The Punch comes from the rear hand. These are much more powerful than the jab because the energy of a punch comes from your rear foot and is maximized with a rotation of the hips. The actual strike of the punch should coincide with the rotation of the hips. For best results, impact your target at 85% to 90% extension, and drive through the punch.
The Hook / Upper Cut. Although your natural instinct is to throw these curving punches wide to get more momentum, I recommend that you keep your punches closer to your body. Use rotation from your hips and core muscles to maximize power. Upper cuts should be directed at the jaw, solar plexus and stomach. Hooks can be aimed at the jaw, the stomach, solar plexus, and kidneys.
Lets move on to kicks… As you get stronger, more flexible, and more confident with kicks, you will want to integrate them into your fighting style. My main rule for kicks is that unless you are lightning fast, you never kick by itself. You should always kick in a combination. Kicks are very powerful and should be practiced during shadowboxing, sparring, and heavy bag training.
The Front Leg Front Kick is exactly what it sounds like, a front kick with the front leg. This can be after a punching combination or after a pivot or rotation. The base leg for a front kick doesn’t need to pivot. But you can get more power if you step into it. If you are kicking someone in the testicles, the impact point will be your shoe laces or the top of your foot / bottom of your ankle. If you are kicking to the stomach or face, make sure you curl your toes because your impact point should be the ball of your feet.
The Rear Leg Front Kick is extremely powerful. You can kick to the knees, the stomach, the face. Power from this kick comes from your initial push from the rear foot. You can use your hips to push through your target.
Lets move on to Round Kicks. Unlike a front kick, which is generally made along a vertical axis, a round kick is made on a horizontal axis. This will require that you rotate your hips and pivot your support foot.
The Front Leg Round Kick can be directed at your opponents knees, thigh, stomach, kidneys, and head. Remember to do this kick in a combination, or while stepping forward to maximize power. When stepping forward, the base foot (the rear foot) should be rotated and pointing to the side or backwards. This puts the hips in the right angle to generate power and helps make the kick faster.
And finally, the Rear Leg Round Kick. If you properly pivot your base foot and rotate your hips, this is a very powerful kick. But it is slow. So be sure to do it in a combination. The power from this kick comes from your back foot. Which is usually pointed to the side or backwards at the pivot / instant of impact. If you are not very flexible, like me, then kicking to the head is going to require a lot of leaning back and will potentially will take you off balance. So only do this if you have practiced this kick hundreds of times and see an easy target. If you are kicking someone close to you, the impact point will be your shoe laces or the top of your foot / bottom of your ankle. If you are kicking someone far from you, make sure you curl your toes because your impact point should be the ball of your feet.
The Kick-Boxing workouts in the “Special Operation Fitness” program are both cardio vascular workouts and legitimate Self-Defense training. But if you use good technique and give 100% effort, you can reap the benefits of both.
I recommend the below pieces of gear… which you can buy through Amazon.
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Special Operations Fitness $10.00
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